...Simple Steps to Successful Parenting
Fun Phonics
Single Sounds Upper Case
Capital letters are used because they indicate importance. They are used:
At the beginnings of names and places
At the beginnings of sentences
To draw attention to something e.g. in advertising, slogans, etc
This page contains the following information:

Level 2:
I usually teach capital letters at around the same time as Complex combinations and Bossy e.
Capital letters are used less frequently in general reading than their matching lower case equivalents. Although on signage they're often used to attract attention: shops, advertising posters, pamphlets, catalogues, flyers Stop signs, Give Way signs, street signs, buildings etc.
As a generalization, capital letters are usually learnt more quickly than some of the other single sounds as they often resemble their lower case equivalent.
For example: C J K M O P S U V W X Y Z are very similar so these sounds can be treated easily by saying something like:
'This is the Capital letter for S and other than it's size, it looks almost the same as the s you already know...'
The following large cards are designed to be cut along the lines into individual letters for you to use with your child.
You can either screen shot them, copy them on your phone, download and print them or if on a desktop you can click on the image, press save image option then print it. If you're having difficulty with either you can contact me for pdfs to be sent to you at your email address. (You can rest assured that your information will not be passed on to any other parties.)
Explaining Capital Letters
Capital letters show that something is important. For example: Your name has a capital letter because you're important.
And because everyone else is important too they have a capital letter at the start of their name as well...
We have capital letters at the start of a sentence because it shows the writer has something they want you to know (it's important to them) so they use a capital letter at the start of the sentence to remind you to pay attention.'
Notice below how placards often use capitals to draw a viewers attention.
These new Upper Case sounds can then be added into the snap game as one of the two new sounds introduced for the day.

Capital Letter Cards:
These add to lower case letters

Playing Fun Phonics Capital Letters
​I found introducing sounds that are obviously different work best and especially sounds for the beginnings of names that are important to your child. For example family member's names, school friend's names, places they like to go, etc
Ensure when you present the letters they're facing the child the right way up (even when playing games because children can't tell the difference between M & W unless they're the right way up.)
I would begin Capital Letter recognition activities by introducing one of the easier letters, especially if also introducing a beginning blend on the same day.
Some of these could be: C J K M O P S U V W X Y Z because they're very similar to their lower case equivalent.

An additional Independent Activity that could be used as a reward.
Take your child to your desktop computer to view the keyboard. Note how all of the letters are capitals.
Go to Word or an equivalent. Make the font size 18 (so its easy for them to see each letter and later draw around them.)
Let them type out every letter on the keyboard first in lower case and then in upper case. Ask them to put a circle around every letter they already know.
They could write them on a whiteboard as below:

Sit opposite your child ready to play The Fun Phonics Game. If both of you sit cross legged on the floor it gives your child the best line of sight.
IMPORTANT: Ham it up and make it fun.
Before you begin, say things like 'You were too good for me yesterday but I'm going to get you today...' And laugh.
Prior to introducing any new sounds, flip each known sound (for one second only) down in front of your child, one sound on top of the other to play the revision game.
If the sound isn't known move it to the revise pile or is moved to the revise pile.
Repeat the process until all single sounds and beginning blends covered to date have been checked.
Keep the revision game fast moving. (The entire process should take a minute, two at the absolute most.)
Sounds that are causing any difficulty need to be put back from the Revision Pile into the Snap Pile to be revised.
Begin any game with sounds that may have caused some difficulty to ensure they're known before introducing any new capital letters.
Revision Idea
You could sort all the different capital letters from the alphabet biscuits and count which letter is the most common.
You may also like to add a word beginning with each letter you find.

How to Play Fun Phonics and Make it Fun
I begin by laying out three letters close to each other in a row, (each the correct way up for the child.)
1. I call out a new sound (say M) and both players attempt to snap the sound before the other player.
2. I call out a different sound (say D) and both players attempt to snap the new sound before the other player. You might introduce a third sound here because if they're very similar to the lower case equivalent, it's easier than usual.
3. Repeat the process using different sounds. (say S, M, D, M, D, S, S, M, D, etc) getting faster. You might even change the letter positions to make them think.

4. The game continues until you're reasonably sure your child knows the three sounds involved.
5. Then remove the sound they appear to know best. Introduce a 'new' sound (that looks different to the others) in its place. For example E. And continue the game again. Or you can revise an old sound that continues to be a bit of a problem.
6. Repeat Step 5 over and over again increasing the number of known sounds.
For more Fun Phonics go to the Links Below:
Best Parenting Advice.com is a high quality parenting website designed with child and family success in mind. This site provides free resources for busy parents who want the best practical advice possible on: effective child rearing strategies, easy healthy family meals, self-care tips for time-poor parents and fun learning games to help best educate children while also encouraging positive relationships within the family.
The best parenting advice regarding creating engaged learners is to make learning as much fun as possible. That's why games work best to revise new information. Children practise skills over and over in play situations, yet aren't even aware they're doing it. Best parenting advice.com provides many examples of quick and easy games to help develop both early reading and maths skills.
This site provides examples of what worked for me over decades and you are welcome to use these ideas as you see fit but you do so at your own risk. This site does not provide any guarantee that this information will work in every circumstance with every family or every child. It is your responsibility as a user of this site to ensure that you adhere to any recommended safety suggestions either implicit or explicit on this site and supervise your children while playing any games suggested. Best Parenting Advice.com is not affiliated with any other groups, clubs, religious organizations or educational systems.
Best parenting takes time. The best parenting advice ever is simple: Do your best, don't give up and love your children, no matter what.